December 4, 2017

FAQ of Rising Hub


Question: How can I play Rising Hub (RH)? Where is the download?

Answer: Please strictly follow this guide


Q: What Operating Systems do RH support?

A: Any Windows from XP SP2 and newer. You can also try to make it work via wine on macOS, ask for guides in our discord.


Q: I see RH-site hasn't https-connection! Is it unsafe?

A: Some kind of. We recommend you not to use your common password for your accounts here if you want to be perfectly safe, but more likely nothing bad could happen.


Q: There were so many BFH-revival projects! Is RH connected with them? 

A: RH is somewhat connected to many of those projects, such as "play-bfh-online", "Revive Heroes", "CustomLink", "Dutch Heroes", "Oceania Heroes" and "Open Source Heroes".


Q: What about Revive Network which got shutted down, EA can shut Rising Hub down aswell?

A: Yes, EA is possible to shut RH down, just like an asteroid is possible to hit the Earth. Be sure we are hardly trying to make this never happen by removing every piece of trademark/copyright-related stuff and so on.


Q: What country of RH origins?

A: RH team members are literally spreaded all over the world. We got developers and server hosters in many EU-countries, in North and South Americas, even in Australia. We'll make BFH great again.


Q: Are RH free? Do you have Battlefunds/Play4Free funds-system and VP priced ingame items?

A: Yes, RH is totally free. There're no payments connected to the game and never will be. 
All ingame stuff is free without any VP pricing, but you still need VP to perform actions such as renaming your heroes and refunding abilities, so try to gain VP as before.


Q: Where I can read news about RH?

A: Three ways to be acknowledged:
Newspage at the site


Q: I've totally forgot how to play. Is there some gameguides?

A: Check this BFH-blog
You can find almost all info about the game there, including guides for weapons, widgets and abilities, and also shutted down official forum guides retrieved with


Q: How can I help your project? I want to join RH team!

A: We need skilled C++ developers and server hosters. If you are the one, please contact us via discord.


Q: How is the project going? What number of registered members do you have, for example?

A: You can check the overall progress of RH here
and count of the players online with other stuff here


Q: How can I donate to your project? 

A: First of all, thank you, every dollar and euro counts for us! You can do it via our paypal
By the way, after donation you'll get a "donator"-mark in your ingame-profile :)


Q: I've been registered! Where can I create my heroes? 

A: Hold on! Firstly, y
ou must link your game account with your discord account to play. Follow step 2 of this guide

After successful linking you can procced to heroes creation. Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile", then click "create" in drop-down menu list. 


Q: I want to unlink my account, how can I do it?

A: Sorry, unlinking isn't possible.


Q: How many heroes is it possible to create? Where I can see my heroes?

A: You can create 6 heroes at this moment. To see your heroes, hover mouse cursor over the field "profile" and click "heroes" in drop-down menu list.


Q: Is it possible to delete or rename heroes?

A: Delete - no, rename - yes.


Q: Where can I rename my heroes?

A: 1. Close the game and go to

2. Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile" and click "heroes" in drop-down menu list, then click on the hero's name needs to be changed;

3. There's a button "rename" to the right. You should note renaming costs 1500 VP now. Click it, change the name and then start the game.


Q: How can I use your discord-bot?

A: To acquire command list, go to #bot channel and post !rh help

Our Rising Bot will show you the command list with the descriptions. Being a regular [player] you can use only commands which aren't marked "community manager+".


Q: How can I change my password?

A: 1. Go to #bot channel in our discord and post !rh resetPass
Rising Bot will send you a direct message with the new password. You can use it as is or change to whatever you want; 

2. If you want to change, go to
Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile", then click "profile" in drop-down menu list - you'll see a list of available profile options;

3. Click "Change password" and use fields to the right to change your password using the one Rising Bot've given to you. 


Q: Is there a friend adding system?

A: Yes, but for now it only works on site, not in the game. We can't say if it will work cuz we don't have the access to magma protocol, which is used to operate ingame friend system processes.


Q: How can I add a friend?

A: Click on the player name at the site (you can only find it playing in the servers or in leaderboard for now) and press add-button to the right.


Q: Where can I manage my friend list?

A: Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile", then click "profile" in drop-down menu list, you'll see a column with profile customization options. Click "Friend list" to manage your friends. 

You can also see if some of your friends are playing now and therefore pick the server with 'em!


Q: I dun't much in engleze, whar ken I cheng langwidg?

A: Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile", then click "profile" in drop-down menu list, you'll see a column with profile customization options. Click "Change language" to change it.


Q: Is there a leaderboard?

You can choose the category of the top-100 players, such as ELO, Score, Kills and so on.


Q: How can I see the stats of my heroes?

A: Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile", then click "heroes" in drop-down menu list. There's a list of your heroes, you can see the stats of each one by clicking on it's name.


Q: I have issues with downloading the game! What should I do?

A: Strictly follow this guide
If it don't work either, then disable your antivirus and/or firewall and try to download again.

If it still doesn't work, download gameclient files here
It's an archive needs to be extracted after downloadingWhen extraction is done, run your DarkLauncher.exe and wait for the filecheck.


Q: Why is it saying "your account is not linked"?

A: You must link your game account with your discord account to play. Follow step 2 of this guide


Q: But I've been linked already! What is wrong?

A: 1. Click RMB on RH-server avatar in discord and press "leave server";
2. Logout your discord account and re-login it;
3. Join RH-discord again
4. Go to #bot channel in our discord-server and post !rh refresh
5. If all have been done right, your discord name will be replaced with the blue-colored RH-website one and you'll get [player]-role added.


Q: I have random mistakes popping up when I start the launcher/game!

A: Try to do some of this:
- Always use DarkLauncher.exe to play, not bfheroes.exe;
- Close the game, logout your account at the site, re-login and restart the game;
- Clean our PC with CCleaner or other cleaning software;
- Turn off your antivirus and firewall (or make an exception, here's the videoguide;
- Run the launcher under administrator rights;
- Disable/delete VLC-player, Media Player Classic and OverWolf, they cause errors (including black screen-error and "bfheroes.exe stopped working"-error);
- If Microsoft .NET Framework isn't installed on your PC, install it via Microsoft official site;
- Re-download the launcher and the game.

If none of these recommendations don't work, then ask for help in channel #report-bugs of our discord.


Q: Every time I launch the game, my heroes don't load! What should I do?

A: Close the game, logout your account at the site, re-login and restart the game. If error remains, clean our PC with CCleaner or other cleaning software, re-login and restart the game again.


Q: My launcher starts to dowload the game again and again, but I already have the client! What's wrong?

A: DarkLauncher.exe by every start checks your game files to be correct, it is needed for autoupdates. 

There is a folder BFH_Test_Launcher in C:/user/appdata/local (it differs by Windows version, use explorer search to find), delete it and run the launcher again. When it will offer you to choose the folder to dowload
and you're good to go.


Q: My game starts, but on the logging screen I have random errors popping up after waiting!

A: These errors are shown when the master-server of our database is offline, so game is offline too. You have to wait until it will be restarted.


Q: But how can I see is it online or not?

A: Go to
If you see "MASTER SERVER IS ONLINE" and the servers below are available to pick, then the game is online. If it says "MASTER SERVER IS OFFLINE", then it's off.

Remember, even if it's online, servers may be full (you won't join) or empty (you'll be alone).


Q: What should I do to solve error "BFHeroes.exe has stopped working"?

A: First of all, be sure your VLC-player, Media Player Classic and OverWolf are disable/deleted when you run the game, they may cause this error.

If error remains, go to your video card settings, Search for 'resolution settings' and add the following resolutions: 
800x600 30Hz and 800x600 60Hz (but don't select it!).


Q: What should I do to solve black screen error?

A: First of all, be sure your VLC-player, Media Player Classic and OverWolf are disable/deleted when you run the game, they may cause this error.

If it's done and error remains, check your native screen resolution and set your ingame-screeen resolution the same as native. 4xmpl, if you have a laptop with 1366x768 60hz-native resolution, choose it in ingame-Options.

Also try to get in the battle with radiobutton "windowed" checked and after start switch to fullscreen-mode with alt+enter. 

If error still pops up, then go to your main game directory and delete the following files:
BFHeroes.exeRendDX9.dlld3dx9_29.dll and d3dx9d_29.dll

After that run DarkLauncher.exe and wait for the download and filecheck.


Q: I'm getting stuck in matchmaking after pressing the Play Now!-button!

A: If you haven't picked the server, do it here 

If you've done it, then check it for empty slot of the faction for your hero by clicking on the server name. 

If it has empty slot of a right faction and you are still unable to connect for a long time, then try: unpick server, close the game, logout, re-login, re-open the game and re-pick this server. 

You can mix those recommendations to gain the result, I personally expirience similar problems from time to time too.


Q: It seems there is a mistake with my Ability Points, I haven't got an amount my hero deserves, what should I do?

A: Remember, the quantity of AP = Hero level/2+1 (rounded down), check it.
If it's really less then your hero should have, then close the game, logout your user account, re-login and restart the game.

If after that it's still bugged, ask for help in channel #report-bugs of our discord.


Q: I've done EVERY RECOMMENDATION from this FAQ and the game still isn't working for me!

A: If you're triple-sure about it, then maybe you've been banned. Ask for help in channel #report-bugs of our discord.


Q: I can't refund my abilities!

A: You need to perform this action on the site, not ingame.

1. Close the game and go to

2. Hover mouse cursor over the field "profile" and click "heroes" in drop-down menu list, then click on the hero's name which needs a refund;

3. There's a button "refund" to the right. You should note refund costs 500 VP now. Click it, perform the refund and then start the game.


Q: It seems there is a mistake with the stats of my hero(es), they don't count as intended! What should I do?

A: Yes, statistics are a lil' bugged right now, we're working on it.


Q: Will levels of our heroes be resetted to 1 some day?

A: There is a possibility of that, but not so big.


Q: Will RH have VP priced stuff  like it was in EA-times?

A: It will be discussed in the future.


Q: There were sooo many cheaters in the past! Do RH have an anticheat system?

A: Our team has a strict eye on these suckers and ban them with ease. We can assure you there're less haxers every BFH-project ever had. 

If you see someone hacks and want him banned, record him on the video and post your report in our discord using #report-players channel.


Q: I'm getting kicked by a reason "ping is too high"! Why you hate me?

A: Some of our servers have a ping limit to cut off people who lag to keep the game stable.


Q: But why? I always played everywhere with ping like that!

A: By having a high ping you get an unfair ingame advantage – you are a ghost-alike for other players by sending them outdated info about your movements, so it's getting hard to hit you.

Also high ping ruins game hit registration – if your ping goes above ~150, bullets that actually hit you start to deal no damage at all. 

Finally, by being a lagger you rape the server itself and it can lag or even crash. That's why there've always been such a thing as "ping limit" and laggers've got always kicked from servers with a good admin watch.

So please be respectful to us and fellow players, pick the closest server to your location and use /ping command in game chat.


Q: Does RH have Capture The Flag-gamemode? If not, will you add it?

A: Sadly, it's very complicated if not impossible to add Capture The Flag-mode due to gameversion we operate.


Q: I've been on a HotH-map with bugged timer, it was nearly endless round! What is wrong?

A: Yes, some of the servers or maps have problems with the HotH-gamemode for now, we are working to solve it.


Q: I noticed RH doesn't have %weapon_name% and %widget_name%! Will you add it?

A: Weapons&widgets that work correctly more likely will be added, but not the cancerous ones (forget about tonics). Some weapons and widgets doesn't work correctly (Bonebow, Railgun) and therefore won't be added.

Note that alternative fire mode of any weapon (underbarrel GLs of Battlerifles, 4xmpl) DOESN'T WORK AT ALL!


Q: Will you add the Workbench?

A: No more workbench evar!


Q: I think RH gameplay is not balanced! Balance it this way!

A: The balance problems will be discussed in the future.


Q: I will not play until you do this and that!

A: Ok :)


Waiting for the new questions...



  1. Hey please i really need your help i dont know what to do and i want to play this game so badly again but everytime i start darklauncher it will start the game but when im about to choose my hero then i should be able to get to the menu of the game but it will somehow turn my wifi offline and then it says unable to connect or backend crash. But after i close the game my wifi goes back to online. Sorry for my english i hope u understand please help me whats wrong ?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wieso gibt es keine Workbank mehr ???

  4. Gibst später vielleicht eine neue verVers von BH das ihr capture Thema Flagge wieder mit ein beziehen könnt so wie jeden anderen spielmodus

  5. Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info. BF1 Hack

  6. I have a problem with emotes and sound. The sound, sounds like an mp3. And the emotes haS no animations and sometimes glitches out.

  7. I want to delete my account . I accidently link my nephews discord account.

  8. i'm stuck in the login progress what can i do?

  9. Pourquoi sa me met que je n'ai pas de héros alors que j'ai déjà des héros et que j'y ai même jouer dessus ?

  10. Make it possible to delete heroes!!
    This sucks cause I made only nazis first cause I thought that theres no hero limit :(

  11. mam problem z pobieraniem pliku mods/bfheroes/object/
    jak to naprawić???


FAQ of Rising Hub

GENERAL Question: How can I play Rising Hub (RH)? Where is the download? Answer: Please strictly follow this guide https://meg...