November 10, 2017

[GUIDE] BFH Weaponry Total Research

Hey fellas, my name is megaLOL and I'm proud to introduce you my BFH Weaponry Total Research!
Pour yourself a good cup of tea, take some soft french croissants and let's get started :)

Editable .xls-file with the tables:

November 6, 2017

[GUIDE] BFH Widgetz Total Research

Hey fellas, my name is megaLOL and I'm proud to introduce you my BFH Widgetz Total Research!
Pour yourself a good cup of tea, take some soft french croissants and let's get started :)

Editable .xls-file with the tables:

FAQ of Rising Hub

GENERAL Question: How can I play Rising Hub (RH)? Where is the download? Answer: Please strictly follow this guide https://meg...